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Crazy Goat Mom!


My name is Carrie! I have a lot of other crazy names as well =)

I have said many times, "If I'm not learning anything, then I might as well be dead". I just love learning new things. I love to study the Bible and learn more about who God is, and who He wants me to be! I love to learn arts and crafts, I love to learn about people, about their lives, how they overcame struggles, and how I can pray for them. I love to learn how to garden, take care of animals, how to shear, how to play games, and the list goes on and on!

If you follow my blog, bit by bit you will get a chance to see more of who I am. All these little pieces of my life are like a puzzle uniquely put together to make me. You have your own puzzle, and sometimes we have a lot of similar pieces, sometimes there are only a few pieces that we share. I hope in some way that we can connect!

Well, I will start by introducing my family. I have a husband named Erik. We have been married for 27 years. We have 4 biological children, Meaghan (25), Spencer (23), Alexandra (22), and Kierra (21). We also have 4 adopted children, Lakiesha (17), Elijah (16), DJ (15), and Robert (14). We (Erik, the children who are still home and I) live in Coral, MI. We have a small farm of almost 40 acres out in the country. We have goats, sheep, llama, cows, rabbits, chickens, cats, and dogs. I choose not to count the animals, so I can answer my husband honestly when he asks;-)

We have been blessed with a large family, a farm, a good church close by, lots of friends, great neighbors, a large barn, hard working kiddos, and many other things. We have lived in Coral for almost five years now. It has been fun to make it our home!

The point of this blog is to keep you updated on the farm and family life we have here. Hopefully we can connect and encourage each other. I plan to post fairly often, and will try to blog on a variety of the current happenings. I hope you enjoy, learn, and share!

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